Breathe & Embrace

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Body + Mind + Soul = YOU

A healthy body and healthy mind works hand in hand to produce the strongest version of you. Mind-body connection has been shown to be vital to complete well-being.  However, physical wellness is not exclusive to just losing weight or attaining a specific body image. It is about practicing a sound lifestyle, which includes fitness, rest, and healthy food. The commitment to these habits will build stamina and mental strength. Here are four ways to implement a positive relationship between your body, mind, and soul.


Your brain calls for fuel. And how you supply fuel makes the world of difference. If you supply fuel with a healthy balanced diet, then you are able to provide the resources your mind needs to impact cognitive processes and emotions. High-quality foods like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants will not only nourish the neurotransmitters in your brain but will adjust your mood. 

Be cautious of your nutrient intake. Studies have shown that B vitamins are imperative for brain health, specifically Vitamin B-12 and B-6. They will help produce and control the chemicals that impact your mood. Low levels of those vitamins are linked to depression. Vitamin C and Omega- 3 fatty acids are also nutrients that our brain needs to healthily function. 

Here are some quick supplements that I use:

  • Multivitamins 

  • St. John’s Worts

  • Tart Cherry Juice 

  • Yogi Brand - Green Tea (Passion Fruit Matcha)

So what should you eat? 

Now, I like an occasional #1 with a sweet tea from Chick Fil A. So I’m no health expert. But I try to keep wise eating habits in mind. A few times a week I try to incorporate foods that will help with my depression. Some brain-friendly foods include:

  • Avocados 

  • Blueberries

  • Fish

  • Turmeric

  • Broccoli

  • Dark chocolate

  • Eggs

  • Almonds


I also stumbled across this great website that offers recipes for mental health. Start by paying attention to how eating different foods can make you feel. You’ll be surprised to find that you feel a lot better when you eat better. 


Okay, let’s come back to this part, because who wants to talk about working out? *sigh* JK.  Whether you are a gym rat, walk for 3 days a week, or have an in-home workout plan, the health benefits are priceless. There are two positive sides to regular exercise: physical and emotional wellbeing. Of course, you will lose weight or prevent heart disease. But did you know you also release endorphins and other natural hormones to your brain? You will boost that much needed energy for you to function throughout the day, interact with others, and improve your mood. 

Additionally, exercise will improve your outlook on life. It allows you 30 minutes to forget about the worries of the world and that burden that has you so stressed out. There is much significance in allowing yourself to find some quiet time to break out of depressive thoughts. 

Find at least 30 minutes in the day. Lace up your tennis shoes. And start moving. At the very least go outside and get some sunshine. Do what you can. 


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” - Matthew 11:28- 30 

We don’t realize how much sleep counts, until it’s gone.  I have had many sleepless nights. But God wants you to rest, spiritually and naturally. Take time for yourself to recuperate, rest your thoughts, and regain your strength from the day. You will find that poor sleeping is linked to mental health problems. Sleep facilitates the brain’s processing of emotional information. There are ways to improve your sleep hygiene: 

  • Establish a nightly routine

  • Avoid excessive napping 

  • Adjust the light, noise, and temperature in your room 

  • Change your eating habits and diet 

  • Turn off your distractions (phone, tv, etc.) 

But also be careful with severe sleeping. Sleeping too much can also contribute to mental health problems. Talk to a mental health professional if you suspect that your sleeping or lack thereof is caused by a mental health condition. They will be able to help find a link and a solution. 


Here is another thing that I most recently got into. Mindfulness is the mind-body approach that helps us manage our thoughts and feelings. It is the exercise of regarding and paying attention to the present moment, by using techniques like meditation, prayer, yoga, and breathing exercises. It will help you become aware of those thoughts and emotions, feel more centered, and improve your concentration. 

You will hear me say this a lot on this website. You must protect your spirit and soul. Find that inner peace that grounds you and guides your very being. For me, I use prayer and meditation. I don’t leave my bed until I have meditated and talked to God. But, I might get introuble for saying this. You don’t have to be religious or spiritual to practice mindfulness. You just have to be open to possibilities that come with connecting your body and mind. 

Want a good place to start? Here are some simple mindfulness practices that you can implement in your everyday life. 

With these tips, have an attitude of openness and acceptance. Change your perspective, try new things, and implement healthy living. God wants you to be happy, healthy, and here. 
